I feel like this. Lazy. Boss keeps coming in and out of office, dumping more jobs on my table. It goes:

'Carneyz, once Purchasing Manager has seen and filled up the Europe Congress form, can you see to the purchasing documentation...'
'Carneyz, please help to sort out...'
'Carneyz, please find the letter from Johor govt and draft the reply...'

Carneyz has just finished emailing webmaster to update the website according to the updates she has prepared over the past two weeks, called up an agency wanting something, received calls from KL office (shoot! the phone is ringing again!) about to start on two other PRs, sent email to HR exec wanting to know staff breakdown according to divisions to distribute company's calendar which arrived yesterday and goodness gracious! Carneyz is BUSY!

However, I need a timeout. I need to blog. I need to snooze and blog. I need to be motivated. Yup. That's it. I need motivation.


  1. You know what they say...

    The employee who is given the most work, is the most brilliant employee there :)

  2. i don't feel brilliant. If I'm brilliant, I'll be earning more than I am right now, being the decision-maker, not decision-taker :p

    I feel downright being 'used' by others...


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