'u kene kidnap ke? Apsal tak datang keja?'

Mula2 aku malas nak jawab. Tapi bila fikirkan balik, dia tak terlibat pun ngan dieorang yang pepandai je wat 'public tribunal' nak solve problem aku konon, tapi akhirnya jadi sakit hati je. I have to be fair to him.

Akhirnya aku reply lirik lagu Wonderful Now kat sms - 'I close my eyes when I get 2 sad. I close my eyes n I count 2 ten. Hope it's over when I open them. Make ething be wonderful again...'

'Oh. Yang penting u tak kene kidnap (erk??). So y ur sad?'

Mamat nih nak kene hempuk aper? Dah la aku tak de mood nak bergurau-senda.

'How easy to be u. Teach me how to be w/out emotions. Then I won't feel sad.'
'U don't want to be me. Sad can be sad la, tapi dun let it overcome u. Tell me, meby I can help u.'
'Who says I need help?'
'Coz ur sad. I can help to make u not sad.'

Aku terkebil2 baca reply dia. Tersentuh pun ada, marah pun ada. Who does he think he is, that he can magicked away all the pains I feel in my heart?

'Oh yeah? Can u bring back the love I've lost? Can u make the loneliness disappear? Well, can u?'

Akhirnya aku tak jadi hantar reply tu.

I am not crying out for help. I dun need help. I just need to be left alone. To be allowed the peace to grief for someone I've lost. To be allowed to withdraw from the world in my cocoon. I will only emerge when I'm ready.

Aku dah berkali2 menyatakannya. Itupun susah utk mereka fahami.

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