All of a sudden, we had a meeting with 3 GMs today. After 3 &%#!* months we never had that *^&%#! sessions, there was an email that announced we had to attend it this afternoon.

Of course they had to wait until I came back from my hometown, but I personally felt that it was just a waste of time because I made a point to just shut up.

Anyway, during this meeting, my 3 other buddies also decided to shut up. So when they asked us how do we feel on certain issues, I continued scribbling cartoons in my notebook, Jen looked at Ainie, then looked at Chairman. Then Jen & Ainie both looked at me.

'So you still find it hard to talk?' asked one casually. I stifled a yawn and an aswer (I find it purposeless).

Let's cut the story short. One of them broke the indications of where we might expect ourselves to be permanently attached starting next month. Result:

1. Chairman - Business Development
2. Jen - Retail
3. Ainie - Erm. Public Relations
4. Carneyz - Corp. Comm.

We are feeling quite sorry towards Ainie, of course, but inside my head, there's an emergency meeting taking place.

To take? Or not to take? This organization needs major changes. The management refuse to discuss it openly, or accept that the are serious problems happening. If I was permanently attached to this particular department, what can I do to change status quo? While the movers & shakers of the company is the Commercial people, how would I be able to fix these problems in order to move things forward?

The issue boils down to whether I still could bear working in this chaotic conditions. Whether I still have the passion for this place (at the moment, I have none). I prepared myself for the worse by seeking other opportunities, but I would feel unhappy leaving things still broken as it is. It's a matter of how strong & patient I can be.

We'll see la, when September ends.

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