Oleh sebab aku kena tagged dengan Noushy, so bila dah free dari penyakit, busy dan ke-takde-an mood, maka aku pun menukilkan jawapan2 aku di sini:

Do you like:-

Sunrises or sunsets?
Right now, I like it when the sun is hot in the sky and I'm comfortably in an air-conditioned room, knowing that my clothes are drying nicely without any odors stuck on them.

Suitcases or backpacks?
Backpacks because I hate carrying things in my hand.

Dogs or cats?
Both. I like all domestic animals except cockroach.

Roller-coasters or merry-go-rounds?
Roller-coasters because I can scream as loud as I can and not throw up after that.

Calls or texts?
Calls especially if somebody call me. Textings are sooo yesterday.

Gift vouchers or presents?
Presents because I like surprise.

Pens or pencils?
Pens are mightier than swords (and pencils). Besides, they are clearer to see.

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