What do all newly-married couples do?
Haha! If you think I'm going to tell some juicy stories, my dears, you all are in for a big disappointment. All newly-married couples like us go shopping. Shop, shop, shop with the money given by our well-wishers.

As soon as we came back from Sarawak, the first thing we did was to buy a few items for our new house. Like that nice bathroom cabinet with a mirror to put our toothpaste / brush, facial cleanser, soap, shampoo etc. I love smart items that don't take up too much space. So I was practically in love with that cheap cabinet.

Or dry ingredients to cook up meals since our pockets dah terbakar habis. On one occasion, we went to Giant in our Cute Little Kancil (CLK again, the bigger version) to get some kitchen items and ingredients to cook nasi ayam (after all, I take seriously the advice that says 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach).

We piled everything in the trolley and then made our way back to the car. Since we bought a big tong beras to store the pack of rice, we just dumped all the small items in the big container so that it'll be easy for us to carry the groceries up to our house.

At the traffic light, the car jerked hard and my first reaction was to turn behind and catch the tong beras before it fell off, spilling the ingredients and breaking the pack of eggs inside. The least that I expect to see is the tong beras sitting demurely and happily, safely strapped to the car seatbelt at the back of the car.

'Babe, did you do that?'

Without missing a beat, he promptly replied, 'Safety first.'

And I leant back and laughed so hard at the comical look of the tong beras, and the effort my dearest husband made to make his wife cackle at it.

Maybe marriage is not so bad at all.

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