If someone read the title again, it sounds like a perfume. A brand new perfume - fresh, intoxicating, alluring. Sniff it, and the only smell you can smell is the pages off new books.

And they are my new books which I bought from MPH Warehouse Sale last week (Omigod! I MUST visit the sale next year, because even well-known titles are incredibly cheap!):

From fiction, to lifestyle, to brain food - pick your choice.

Can't believe meh?
I'm a die-hard of Tintin and I collect almost if not all of Tintin series. At normal price, the comic sells at RM40-ish. During MPH Warehouse Sale, I got it at RM16. Plus, none of the books above are priced more than RM30. Altogether, I only spent RM120+ for those 5 books (they are also tax-deductible!)

Now that I have grown my books collection, the bookshelves at home are practically overflowed with books. There are books stacked on the computer table, strewn by the bedside (my side of the bed, to be precise), and on the side table beside the sofa in the living room.

It became too much that my hubby decided that we definitely have to add a bookself pulak. One day, he just woke up and told me, 'I'm thinking of going to IKEA.' And I had to straddle him and demand identification to know whether he's an impostor. It's just not his nature to initiate the plan to raid IKEA (usually, I'll be the one dragging him to that part of Damansara!).

He had a budget of RM100 to buy a decent-looking shelf but then we returned home with a shelf that saves us RM45. That's why I love IKEA! For letting me have a bookshelf which is both gorgeous and cheap:

The bookshelf, RM55. From Ikea.

At first glance, I'd mistaken this shelf as a ladder, used to retrieve books from one of those 10-ft build-in bookshelves. It is made of light metal, but very much sturdy and stable. Its narrow frame allows us to be parked in a small space. It certainly adds character to my living room now as it doesn't resemble a traditional bookshelf too much. If we decided to get a bigger bookshelf later, we can put this shelf in the kitchen to stack all those ketchup bottles, containers, etc.

Another plus note: It complements our TV rack most wonderfully, they are practically old chums by now. Tonight after we go to bed, they might even plan to go to mamak stall and watch football together.

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